Friday 29 August 2014

Here is the New Site!

Well, its almost ready!

I have worked out most of the kinks in my site, but there is still some work to do, yet!
It's not finished, but it shouldn't be too much longer.

Here is the link if anyone wants to check it out, right now.

Take a look, and tell me what you think!

Reverend Dwayne

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Harmony in Oneness is Online!

Harmony in Oneness is online, now!

Finally, after over two years, Harmony in Oneness has its new website online. We also have a new Facebook page, and a new blog called The Epistle of Reverend Dwayne. We have yet to get other things into place, such as flyers, cards, and a new clinical space.

Also, other ideas have to be put into practice, and soon. Things are looking up now! We will do really well, really soon!

Please, come back for future posts!


-Rev. Dwayne van den Heuvel

The Dali Lama - Reposted from Four Years Ago!

The Dali Lama!

I had an extraordinary experience last Saturday. I got to see the Dali Lama speak at the Pacifico in Yokohama. He talked about a lot of things like the Buddha nature, enlightenment, etc. It was a great talk and there were performances by Asian musicians as well. I went with a Buddy of mine and we had a great time there.

I Did It - Reposted from Four Years Ago!

I did it!

Well, I really amazed myself this time.

Yesterday, I was giving myself a TAROT CARD READING at the coffee shop, when two ladies saw what I was doing and asked me to join them.
One of them asked for a reading, and I gave one to her.
She was really amazed by how accurate it was!

She said that she didn't know much English, so I offered her an ENGLISH CLASS.
She said yes, but not just for her but two of her friends as well!

What luck!

This comes with two other lucky events in the last three weeks.
I have also gotten two other TEACHING JOBS with other teaching companies.
Now, with this one class, I will be WORKING six days a week. Just as I wanted.

So, I fulfilled my plan of getting three new JOBS!
Just as I said I would. 
Bless the Lord! Am I good or what?!

A Happy Surprise - Reposted from Four Years Ago!

A Happy Surprise!

I got a Happy Surprise, today.
In fact, two Happy Surprises!

During my ENGLISH LESSON today, I became inspired to find not one, or two,
I thought, "I can do this!"

After my one English class, I went to leave and I SAW
a new crystal shop that had recently OPENED.
Not only that, they were selling Citrine crystals. I have been searching for
such a crystal for the last couple of months.
If you place them properly in your room, they help to bring you good fortune.
So, I bought one. I also told the shop keeper about my therapy work.

Next, as I walked up to the platform at the station, I SAW a small piece of paper.
The paper said, "Let's Collect!"
I was really surprised! It made my day.
So, let's go for that next new JOB!

Important Announcement - Reposted from Four Years Ago!


Important Announcement!

Let the Heavens' Rejoice! Dwayne van den Heuvel is now a Christian Minister Practitioner!

Hello everyone. For those of you who don't know, I have been made a Christian Minister Practitioner in the Universal Christ Church. This has come after three years of both study and practice of religion, philosophy, and the various methods of therapy. Today, I am quite proud to share my accomplishments with everyone out in the world.

This process of becoming a Minister Practitioner did not come easily to me. In fact, I had many difficult moments by which I had to really search myself and ask "Who am I, really?", and, "Where am I going?" I also had to wrestle with many difficult questions concerning the various viewpoints on the true nature of reality, life, and God.

I am now capable of giving healings, inspiration, and COUNSELINGto anyone who asks for it. In this manner, I am able to give people the help that they need. So, if you are suffering from the problems in life, please feel free to contact me.

Now, I know that it isn't Christmas, but in honor of this special event, I have posted the ancient Gregorian chant of "Veni Veni Emmanuel". Although it is usually only sung at Christmas masses, it is a quite excellent piece of MUSIC to listen to while sitting back and relaxing. I invite you to give it an ear.

Enjoy and God Bless!